

The brief came from a leading insecticide company that wanted to develop a range of dewkillers for DIY stores.

le Challenge

The challenge was to understand the keys to success in this universe, to help choose the brand to use (Kapo, Oro, a new brand?), the claims, the packs and the messages to use.

la Methodologie

The Adwise approach was tailor made, consultative and agile

-We handled video focus groups with French souricide buyers to clarify their representation of these pests, their expectations, the perception of competing packs and to test packaging proposals;

les résultats

The results were extraordinary

By following our recommendations, the team achieved their listing and sales targets a year ahead of schedule.


Actualiser et mettre en perspective votre
vision client


Identifier les opportunités
et vous donner les clés
de votre succès


Enrichir les offres et apporter une vision de la stratégie d’innovation


Mettre la marque
en résonnance 
avec son temps