Innovating by launching a new textbook collection – Design Thinking


le Challenge

The publisher wants to regain a foothold in a high-stakes technological field; the objective is to completely overhaul the textbook collection by bringing in new features

la Methodologie

A Design Thinking approach, based on an in-depth audit of teachers’ pain points and the perception of competing textbooks via individual face-to-face interviews, followed by a creative workshop involving 15 collaborators and externals, then tests of graphic tracks on a fully developed chapter, as well as the specimen

les résultats

Enthusiastic reception from educational representatives, a new era for Hachette Education


Actualiser et mettre en perspective votre
vision client


Identifier les opportunités
et vous donner les clés
de votre succès


Enrichir les offres et apporter une vision de la stratégie d’innovation


Mettre la marque
en résonnance 
avec son temps