Permanent digital community


To anticipate the changes caused by the pandemic, Carrefour wanted to remain continuously connected with its customers.

le Challenge

Explore the evolution of several categories and markets, test current own-brand approaches, evaluate innovations for tomorrow.

la Methodologie

A community of several hundred customers interviewed digitally through pop-up communities, in-store missions, co-creation, home ethnologies and Zoom groups.

les résultats

Continuous conversations, agility in development, rationalized expenses, simplified internal process and sharing of insights at different levels of the marketing team, with angles from the most strategic to the most operational.

Actualiser et mettre en perspective votre 
vision client

Identifier les opportunités 

et vous donner les clés 

de votre succès


Enrichir les offres et apporter une vision de la stratégie d’innovation


Mettre la marque 

en résonnance 

avec son temps